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Octavia Magazine - July/August Issue
This Octavia Music magazine is our latest issue. Subscribe and get access to read an older issue online. Access to the latest issue, you must subscribe for online access, or proceed to order a hard copy, (to be delivered.) Both prices are displayed to make your choice. Subscribe (at the Home Page Access) and you will be notify our publishing dates and other matter of interest. With your support, Octavia Music Magazine, would be the go to magazine for music, gigs, tours, festivals, artists, musicians, features, stories of what happening in the music industry. Like the Tin Pan Alley magazines of the 1960s. Should you also wish to be a contributor, we would welcome your approach.
With Adobe InDesign, we produced a magazine that can be upgraded to suite the accasion, of what is happening in the music industry. As a vehicle of promoting, Octavia Multimedia Group Ltd, artists, musicians, songwriters, sheet music, t-shirts, event tickets and whats happening in the music industry globally. Subscribe, and give us your support and ideas towards making Octavia Music Magazine, a favourite for both users, contributors. With music triving in the lives of generations present and future.
Opportunity for freelance work. Use the "Job Application form," to send us your details.
This Magazine is part of OctaviaMusic "One Stop Shop Music Platform," for the music industry. It will feature the music, artist, musicians, products. And the companies that make of Octavia Multimedia Group. (OctaviaMusic.)
Advertise in Octavia Music magazine. Go to Shop, (On this website.) scroll down to magazine, and follow the directions. Choose the type of ad, Full Colour, Spot Colour, etc. The advertising space you require, and on which page you wish your advert to be placed. The size of your add. Full page, half a page, quater page or smaller. Have you got your own artwork, that meets with the specification on "Rate Card." or do you need us to design your artwork for you? The price you want to pay and for how long you want your ad to appear. If your ad need placing for more than one issue, Please give us a call on 01952 617907 or email to discuss possible discount. We value your interest.