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Octavia Magazine - September/October Issue
This months magazine, September/October is a re-issue of last published magazine. It was to assist having the magazine installed on the website. Now the installation been done, we move forward to producing future magazine for two monthly issue, until such time as we are full funtional, then we will publish monthly.
To gain access to this and other magazine is the same as before. Its for music providers, creators, performers and users and lovers of music. We are looking for writers from many areas, who can provide articles of what going on in their area. Go to the magaine to learn how to provide this service and others.
This magazine works to promote artists, record releases, events, products and the company. And other happenings in the music industry. In future to make it the go to magazine for the music industry. Sure you will be interested in having such a magazine, won't you? To know whats going on with your favourite Octavia artist, get involve.
This our current issue of the magazine, is the latest lasting two months. The the future magazine as displayed would then become the current. You have to be a subscriber to have access. And you can start that process by going to the link on this website and subscribe.
We are expecting to feature all genre of music, with relevant stories, events or issues that needs bringing to your attention. We are encouraging writers from around the globe to forward stories of what's going in there area, with events, music and artist. The editor would decide which article or stories made the publication. And would then Contact the writer. Stories send would not be disposed off, but will be kept. And if it became relevant to future publication. Then again the writer would be contacted.
To advertise in this magazine, go to the link on this website and follow the directions.