Octavia Music Publishing Ltd™.

Octavia Multimedia Group Ltd. aka OctaviaMusic: of which, Octavia Music Publishing Ltd., is the publishing [publisher] menber, of its one-stop shop music platform. A adynamic and innovation within the music industry. Our mission is to support and promote artists, musicians, singers, performers, and songwriters to establish and maintain their careers in the music industry.

Octavia Music Publishing Ltd. publish music, mainly from members registered with our one-stop shop music platform.  That involve, Promoting, synth, licensing, collaboration, sheet music  and all other services related with publication. We offer a wide range of services to those registered to the one-stop shop music platform. including working with all other services associated or members of OctaviaMusic.  Supporting the music community of talented individuals. 

Octavia Music Publishing Ltd., is commitment to remain impartial and fair in our interactions with those who are creators or maybe creators/performers. [Songwriters, singer/songwriters.] within the one-stop shop music plstform, subscribing to the Songwriters Subscription, fostering an inclusive environment where creativity can flourish, and artists can benefit from the support they need to succeed..

Our extensive network and expertise in the music industry. Octavia Music Publishing Ltd. provides unparalleled opportunities for artists to showcase their talent, connect with industry professionals, and explore various avenues to succeed. Our goal is to empower artists to unlock their full potential and make a lasting impact the music world. 

If you are an artist, musician, singer, performer, or songwriter seeking to elevate your career, Octavia Multimedia Group Ltd. aka OctaviaMusic, which includes Octavia Music Publishing Ltd. is  here to guide you every step of the way. Join us on this OctaviaMusic's, one-stop shop music platform, and discover a world of possibilities in music publishing. Register [create an account]. Subscribe to Songwriters Subscription, upload your details using the Publishing Form. 

Embrace your passion, seize the opportunities , and let Octavia Music Publishing Ltd. be your partner on this exciting muaical journey. 


Music Publishing..... Octavia Music publish original music of all genre. Songwriters and Composers who want a publishing deal...

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Music Publishing.....

Octavia Music publish original music of all genre. Songwriters and Composers who want a publishing deal with us, must first Register, to create an account (which is free) then Subscribe to Songwriters Subscription.

Thereafter, use the Publishing Form to upload your details, music, (recorded or manuscript) Making sure you have not infringed any copyright or licenses.

We also co-publish, where necessary. We would not be able to return any copies sent to us. If we are interested in the materials sent,

we will contact you. We cannot accept music sent by post or email. You must have an account to be able to send your work to us. Its safer that way. The sender must provide, name and contact details.

Recorded items must be of good quality demos. We take no responsibility for materials sent and would only deal with person or persons of the legal age in these matter. In cases, where the materials

sent to us is of poor quality but we feel its content has some interesting points, we may asked for a more professional demo to be sent at the cost of

the sender. Any initial expenceses prior to a publishing deal will be recouped either from future earning or invoicing.

Music Licensing & Copyright..... Through our music publisher [Octavia Music Publishing Ltd.] arm of the group. We prov...

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Music Licensing & Copyright.....

Through our music publisher [Octavia Music Publishing Ltd.] arm of the group. We provide Music Licensing, and Copyright registration. To access this facility, you need to subscribe to Songwriter, Subscription package. After you register to create an account. Its a better way of getting your songs or music publish. The attention you will recieve being a register member would get you access to having all of your work attentatively scrutiniesd. Negociating a publishing contract with us will get you a fair rate of return.

Music licensing, publishing deal, copyright, sync, contracts, agreements will be negociated and signed either as a single song or a number of songs. for a period of time.

Royalties, Collection & Payments..... Royalties, Collection and Payment, for sheet music, air play or performance is ma...

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Royalties, Collection & Payments.....

Royalties, Collection and Payment, for sheet music, air play or performance is managed by us, in conjuction with rights societies. As part of your publishing deal with us. Payout would be in line with our terms and conditions.

Mechanical and performing rights would also be included. as part of your agreement with us and the societies we are affiliated to. Those payment would

be as a result of the use of your published music, song or compositions and would be paid according to the terms of any agreement and contracts we have with you.

Authors, Composers & Writers..... OctaviaMusic, One Stop Shop Music Platform also supports Authors, Composers and Write...

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Authors, Composers & Writers.....

OctaviaMusic, One Stop Shop Music Platform also supports Authors, Composers and Writers, and publish their work through Octavia Music publishing Ltd. [Publisher] They must first register to create an account, then subscribe to "Songwriters," subscription package. We don't subscribe to publisher accepting demo or publishers seeking new music. By accepting music and works from only those who have registered, we expect to attract individuals who are dedicated and motivated. It matters not at what stage of your career you are, because we support beginers to achieve their goal.

If your dreams are to become a writer, author or composer, Octavia Music Publishing is the place for you. OctaviaMusic, invite you to come and be a part of the communities we are working to build, for the good of music and those who create it. Our aim is to support by providing facilities [contracts and agreements allowed] to enable individuals or groups to develop their skills.

Song Catalogue & Music Library..... Song Catalogue and Music Library, promoted arround the world to pertentuals artists...

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Song Catalogue & Music Library.....

Song Catalogue and Music Library, promoted arround the world to pertentuals artists, musicians, performers, studios, and owners and managers of venues. Trough advertising and on our website and magazine. We'll continue to contact those artists we consider best suited to song or composition in our catalogue and library. Target decision makers in the hope of getting our music included in their projects and productions. Depending on the genre and the composition, artists would be selected as to their style and genre, for regular communication. All of these activities will obiously depends on the [contract and agreement] we hold with the writer/composer of the song.

Societies and Associations... There are many societies and associations operating in the music industry. We will as a matt...

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Societies and Associations...

There are many societies and associations operating in the music industry. We will as a matter of doing business, seek to become a member

of these orginations. But we will be working to engage with all of these organisations even if they are not relevent to us doing or running our business.

We believe forming communities as well as providing links or access to these orginations, helps to highten our reputation of being a one stop shop

for the music industry, but also making the artists/musicians aware of the assistance they can get from these sociaties and associations and in some

cases their legal duty to be a memeber of the relevent once, to underpin their career. We are seeking to get those bodies to put a link on our website,

to help the astist gain access more easily.

Song Plugging.... As part of our activities in promoting our published songs or music, song plugging would be included. Not...

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Song Plugging....

As part of our activities in promoting our published songs or music, song plugging would be included. Not just to the artists assigned to our group, but also

to other pertentuial artists or users around the world. Our contract and agreement with you will be as such incoperating these activities. Promotion of your

music would be featured on our website and magazine, newletters, email marketing and other activities deemed necessary to raising awareness..

Sheet Music, Downloads and Lyrics.... We will produce sheet music of your songs or music to sell on our website. We have jo...

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Sheet Music, Downloads and Lyrics....

We will produce sheet music of your songs or music to sell on our website. We have joined with "Avid Tecnologies," to provide the ability

to download sheet music from this website. In the future we hope to provide you with the facilities of being able to transposed any of our

published music into any key, instrument and vocal version and download and print it on your own printer. If you are a working musician,

it would be very valuable to you when you are looking to add new music to your performance. And also help arrangers and producers.

Live Performances..... As an artist of Octavia Records or any of the subsidaries of Octavia Multimedia Group, you will be ab...

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Live Performances.....

As an artist of Octavia Records or any of the subsidaries of Octavia Multimedia Group, you will be able to register your live performances

every time you play at some venue, festivals or concerts. And we will do our best to encourage you to do so. This facility would have a link

on this website by clicking on the "Live performance," link and fill in the details. It would then be tranfered to our sysytem that allow us to

include these information when calculating royalties and other of your activities and that of your song/music. Doing this every time you perform

will work in your favour when it come to you income whether you are paid or not for that performance directly.

Music Submission...... Octavia Music would accept music submited for consideration through email and posting to our address,...

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Music Submission......

Octavia Music would accept music submited for consideration through email and posting to our address, but will only consider working with artists

who are subscribers to Octavia Artists Management platform. We will review all materials sent to us by whatever channels, but will inform the sender

who is a non-subscriber of this policy and direct them to becoming a subscriber to our Management platform. In the past we have taken a chance and

worked with artists previous to this policy which lead us to fomulate the policy because of loses when the artist had a change of heart.

Solicited Materials.... From time to time, we may put ads requesting music for artists who are searching for a particular ty...

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Solicited Materials....

From time to time, we may put ads requesting music for artists who are searching for a particular type of music.

It could also be for maybe a movie, theatre or television production. On those occasions we would specify the subject and genre and

would reject any materials sent that are not relating to that project, unless it is of such quality that it deserve some special consideration.

Unsolicited materials would be look at but may not get a response and would not engaged in endless communications.

Music Genre...... Octavia Music Publishing, we publish all genre of music. Providing its interesting and greative. Our moto ...

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Music Genre......

Octavia Music Publishing, we publish all genre of music. Providing its interesting and greative. Our moto is "Keeping Music Real," We support and promote, artists, musicians, performers and songwriters, to create and maintain a career in the music industry. OctaviaMusic, "One Stop Shop Music Platform," is the vehicle in which we aim to support and promote creators and performers of music to have a career in the music industry, with the same expectation as other professionals in other industries. Ultimately, recognising the skills require, and rewarding its creators and performers to rely on it for their living income. Without being over citiical, we want to encourage creators and performers to think outside the box but within the rules that form the basics of the genre they are working in.

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